Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Stepping Up To The Plate

What happens when you have nothing left? Who do you go to when no one seems to be around? How do you make it another day, pushing forward when you have no push left? How often have you asked yourself these very questions? Wondering where your strength is coming from when you feel like you just have nothing left to give. That strength comes from a source greater than ourselves. It also comes from a place from within and it's a place we often go to when we have nothing and no one else to draw from. It is in our darkest moments that we find our deepest strength. It is when we find out what our greatest fears are, while realizing and understanding our greatest strengths as well.

Life can throw us curveball after curveball and then hit us with a fastball. The only thing that matters is that we step up to the plate each and every time and give it our best swing. No matter if we strike out, get hit with the ball, or get thrown nothing but balls... We must continue to show up each and every time. We cannot continue to be afraid of our own potential and most importantly, we cannot be afraid of life. No one ever said life would be easy, however I guarantee it will be worth it. It will be filled with triumphs and tribulations, abundance and lack, joy and pain, and so many other things and each thing will provide a valuable lesson and a blessing all at the same time.

We must ALL learn how to sit still at times and allow the beauties and plans of life unfold. Often times, we need to sit still so that we can enjoy the fruits of our labor, so that we can hear the message and see the plan. To gain understanding and knowledge. To know what we can change and what we cannot. To understand where we need to improve ourselves and to gain self-awareness. It can also be a time of reflection and to just relax and stop for a second because we may just need to stop and take a breath. Take in the moment in its entirety. Be present in the very moment that you are in and feeling what it truly feels like to be connected and aware beyond just yourself. To be in touch with your spirit and in-tune with Thee Most High is a most Beautiful thing and often times we miss out on it.

Always remember this.... Life is a beautiful nightmare.. Moments that will tear you down while innately building you back up all in the same process. Take the time to Be Grateful and Sit Still long enough to understand what is happening. Life is a journey that we must embrace to the fullest and we must also revel in the good, the bad, and the ugly. No matter what is being thrown at you. You must always step up to the plate. You must always show up and you must always give it your best swing!

Love and Light!
Namaste'- "I See The Divine In You"

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Knowing When To Let Go

Knowing when to let go is so hard for many of us. We tend to hold on to things that no longer serve the greater good in us. We hold on to anger, resentment, regret, and so many other things that can hinder us from being our True Authentic Self. We fail to realize the damage this does to us emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Most times we cause our own suffering because we can not seem to let go.

There are so many reasons why we do not and/or cannot let go. Those reasons can be pride, ego, guilt, and so many other things. Each reason is based upon the individual and how he or she may feel towards a certain person and/or situation. Often times we cannot let go because of the emotional attachments that we hold towards a person, thing, or situation. I believe that this inability to let go is often caused by denial. What I mean by denial is our failure to accept a person and/or situation for what it is or isn't. Denial is often times our greatest enemy because it keeps us from accepting people and/or situations for what they really are. Denial keeps us from a place of acceptance. Accepting what is and what isn't and being able to move forward from that point.

Acceptance for some may be described as weakness. However, perception is everything and how you choose to view things will ultimately determine how you move and or think. Because you accept something, whether you like it or not does not make you weak. It places you in a state of awareness that now enables you to make a decision from your true authentic self. It is like the serenity prayer that you often hear people speak. "God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."

In life our biggest struggles are with the very things that we cannot change and we waste so much time on those things, that when we finally realize what it is we can change, we are too tired to make the needed changes. This is a cycle that we all must stop because we all have been here at this point. The lesson itself is not in the decision necessarily, but in fact it is in the mistake. Because from that mistake we learn more about ourselves. It is in that moment of self-awareness that we grow and begin to the make the best decisions from our True Authentic Self.

As the saying goes, "Let Go and Let God." We have to learn what battles are meant for us to fight and what battles are meant for us to Let Go and allow a power that which is Greater than ourselves to take the battlefield.

Love and Light!!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Thursday, May 16, 2019

How Do You Exist In Love?

LOVE..... The one thing most of us yearn for, yet it is the very thing many of us run from. Funny how that works. We all want to be loved. We talk about it.. We dream about it... We even fight for it... and ironically enough, when we get it.. We have absolutely no clue what to do with it. We rarely know how to receive it. We struggle with knowing how to give it. We often fall short of nurturing it. And we have an even harder time recognizing it.

LOVE... The very thing we search outside of ourselves for. The very thing that actually exists within us. Settling and resting within our true core. We spend so much time searching for something from someone or something else, when in fact we are our first true source of love. How we love ourselves defines how we view love, how we receive love, and how we give love. Let that sink in for a second. How do you feel when you think about that statement? How do you love on you? How deserving do you truly believe you are of love? Do you even know how to receive love and are you willing to give the very love that you desire? These are all important questions that we must take the time to ask ourselves and to truthfully answer.

We have to be aware of how we ourselves view love, how we define love, and if we believe that we are truly worthy enough of receiving love. We have to speak our love language and in order to do so, we must know what our love language is. We must know how we want to be loved and we must be able to express that to the individuals we want to be loved by that want to love us. We must take judgment out of love and replace it with patience and understanding. We must nurture love because love can take time and within that time love grows and how it grows is determined upon how we nurture it and care for it. Love is not a weapon that we use to get what we want and/or desire. Love is not a bargaining chip to be given away for the gain of something superficial. Love is genuine and pure. Love has no bounds and no limits. Love heals all things and Love is Why and How we Exist.

Now sit back and Feel The Love, Receive The Love, and Give The Love! What we give out we will receive back tenfold. Please know and understand that. Live and Exist in Love and you will attract all that which you heart desires!!

Love and Light!!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Monday, April 29, 2019

Changing The View

The energy all around is definitely at an all time high. So many emotions, so many actions, so many thoughts. It all seems so overwhelming. This is an important time to just BE STILL. Be still and listen because there is a message waiting for you. There is something you need to focus on, there is something you need to change, there is something you need to do OR not do. Whatever it is, you need to BE STILL and receive the message and see the signs.

Life has a way of throwing multiple things at us at one time and it feels like as soon as we conquer one task, we are left to complete yet another one. It is like a never ending cycle that drains us continuously, leaving us exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically. This is a cycle than cannot be continued. This cycle does not feed the greater good of our purpose. This cycle leaves us confused and tired, unsure and insecure, and this cycle is NOT the cycle meant for us to exist in.

If you follow me and have read my blogs over the years, then you know that I am BIG on how you think. You will hear me say time and time again that perspective is everything. It is about how you view things. From what vantage point do you see situations? Are you focused on the situation itself, attaching negative thoughts to it? Or do you look at the situation and immediately focus on a solution? Often times we find ourselves stuck on the situation and the emotions we feel regarding it. The doubt, the worry, the anger, the fear, the anxiety, and the list goes on and on. These are the negative thoughts I spoke about when I asked the question. These very things, these temporary waves that will and can change in the blink of an eye, is where we find ourselves stuck. We cannot see pass the clouds. There is no silver lining. Only dark clouds and despair. We have to change this way of thinking. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

You first have to change the way you think and how you see yourself because how you think and see yourself will determine how you approach every situation that you are faced with. Once you do that, your way of viewing and handling things will vastly change and for the better I might add. What we all have to learn is that we cannot always control the things that may happen to us, however we can control how we respond to the things that happen to us. It is important that we know the difference. Know what we can and cannot change and know what we can and cannot control. You will find that the only thing in any situation that you can change and control is you and once you begin to do that, life will present itself to you entirely different.

You know what the crazy thing is about this thing call life. Gratitude and living and existing in that space will change everything. We have to learn to Be and Show gratitude for the smallest of things. The very things we take for granted like waking up daily, having a sound mind, being able to move and make decisions, breathe, see, hear, walk, love, so forth and so on. If we are unable to show gratitude for even these simple treasures of life, then how can we expect to receive more things to be Grateful for?

Let That Sink In..

Love and Light
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Planting The Seeds

Would you change the way you thought about yourself and your life if you knew how truly powerful your conscious and subconscious mind was? Would you change the way you thought about yourself and your life if you knew for a fact that the very thoughts and words you speak manifest your reality? Well, I am here to tell you that you are the source of the seeds that get planted daily with regard to your own life. The very words that you speak out and the thoughts and feelings that you speak form and shape the reality you live in. "As a man thinketh, so shall He be!" You are the secret! Your mind and your thoughts are the key to your success and your life because what you believe about yourself will dictate how you move throughout this life.

 If you know and understand your worth, then your mindset and the way you talk will reflect just that. However, we must also understand that in the same way that our positive thoughts and talk can manifest great things, the negative thoughts and talk can manifest the very things we don't want as well. This is why we must be mindful of the seeds that we plant on a daily basis. Yes, I said seeds. Your thoughts and words are the seeds that get planted everyday and you will in fact reap what you sew once harvest time comes around.

Be diligent in the journey to find your true self. Be strong in understanding and accepting that which is not meant for your well being. Have the courage to let go of what no longer serves your greater purpose and Begin to speak like into and over your life. You have the Power and You hold the key to your success. You are the author of your life, so make it a good one. Understand that the very words you speak can bring you abundance when you have the mindset to support it. Believe and know that you are worthy, valuable, and have a purpose. Grace is all around you and is yours by divine right. Start to wake up everyday and live in a place of gratitude and you will receive more things to be grateful for. Now is the time to live from your True Self!

Love and Light!!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Living in Gratitude

How often do you take the time to just say Thank You? For even the smallest thing, like waking up, or having a sound mind, being able to breath on your own, or to be able to hear and or to see. Those very things that we all think we are entitled to. The very things we often take for granted.

Living in gratitude daily is how we get to grace. When we live in gratitude we are given more to be grateful for. Gratitude is not just a state of mind. It is a way of life. The very life we all desire and pray for. The very life we live daily and forget to be grateful for. When we decide to exist in gratitude, everything around us changes. The sky is bluer, we can hear the singing of the birds in the am, the sun even shines brighter. We find ourselves in a state of bliss, a state of peace and calm. A place where we are centered and self-aware.

One thing that we have to know and understand is that, gratitude takes place in the here and now, the present moment. Now, that is not to say don't be grateful for the past and the lessons and blessings learned. What I am saying is that we have to be grateful for what we have right here and right now. How can we receive in abundance if we live and think in lack? Constantly giving focus and energy to everything we don't have, or think we should have. If we can't even appreciate what we have in this very moment, then how can we truly appreciate anything?

Gratitude is consistent whether times are good or bad simply because there is always something to be grateful for. Living from that space, that energy is what will manifest so much more to be grateful for. That doesn't mean that trials and tribulations will not occur. It just means that our perception of things has shifted enough to see the grace of it all and be humbled.

Love and Light!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Monday, February 25, 2019

How It All Started

Mental health is something that I am very passionate about and if you know me then you are familiar with my messages of self-love, and healthy mental and physical well-being. For those of you that are more recent readers and have not had the chance to go waaaay back into my blogs, I will give you some insight...
My journey with mental health started about 2007 when my mom was faced with some serious and traumatic life events in addition to the onset of menopause. Over the span of six to eight months she endured the loss of her mom, the loss of her sleep, a bad break-up in which she was emotionally, mentally, and physically abused, and a few other losses as well. She had tried everything from sleep meds to seeing her family doctor on a regular basis, and even therapy. Nothing seemed to work once she lost her sleep. She had gone 14 days with only 8 hours of sleep and at this point she was suffering from psychosis and other various symptoms. From there things only seemed to get worse until I put myself through pharmacy tech school. That way I could get a clear handle and understanding of the meds she was talking and the effects that they could and were having on her physically and mentally. Once I understood the pharmaceutical part of mental health, I realized that there was so much more involved. Two years later I was then blessed with the opportunity to get into the Master's program for Marriage Family and Child Therapy while working for my family business. It is so amazing how Thee Most High works and all we have to do is be open to receive and be present in the here and now.
Over the course of 3 years I received my Master's of Science in MFT and gained a much better sense of my mom's mental dis-ease and my own mental wellness. I enrolled in the program to save my mom's life and in fact I was able to save mine as well. I learned the importance of self-care and how I had done and was doing everything that I possibly could and now it was time for my mom to do some things for herself while working with a team of individuals who were going to help her gain back control of her life and well-being.
It had definitely been a long road filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, hospital stays long and short, and dramatic life changes. Mental health and well-being is soo important and I cannot say it enough. We have all been in a dark place at one time or another in life, however we made it through and we stand here today to be able to talk about it and to share it in hopes of helping someone else who may be quietly going through the same thing. Life can be funny like that sometimes... giving us shit just so we can savor the sugar. Whole Well-being is the key to mental well-being. You have to do the things to nurture yourself as a whole physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. They are all intertwined and play an important role with each other. Don't take either part of yourself for granted. You deserve to be at your very best and to be your most truest self. Your best life is lived from the heart and soul!

Love and Light!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"